Madrid Branch & Other News
Tuesday, 11th March 2025
Read all about it! The latest RBL Madrid Branch news together with a selection of other news items of interest to our members.
TGI Monday
Monday 10th March 2025
Our Monday evening social meetings are going strong and we are often joined by a number of members of Brits in Madrid. Check the Events page for future dates and venues. There is also a chat group for live updates.
Olive Oil Presentation
Saturday 22nd February 2025
A Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil Presentation and Tasting at La Comunal by Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero was organised by RBL Madrid and was well atended by RBL members together with staff from the British Embassy and members of the British Ladies’ Association. Lunch followed the presentation at Ocafú Taberna Gallega. Finally, many went on to the Casino Militar Officers’ Club
Pub Quiz!
Monday 10th February 2025
We were back at Paddy’s Irish Tavern to hold our first pub quiz of 2025. The defending champions ‘OMSK’ were missing a player and became ‘ØMSK’ and placed first yet again. The ‘Latecomers’ changed their name to ‘Prone to Failure’ and they came second again. BiMs had a reduced team and slipped down the rankings, better luck next time! The final scores were:
- ØMSK, 121 points
- Prone to Failure, 117 pts
- Oros 0.0, 100 pts
- Famous 5, 85 pts
- BiMs, 69 pts
We are very grateful to ØMSK and Prone to Failure for donating their winnings to the RBL.
Can you beat these teams? Download the questions and answers at
Two points per correct answer and a joker is played on a topic of their choice which awards double points, for a maximum of 140 points on a perfect quiz.
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 6th February 2025
We celebrated our second anniversary as an official branch. At our AGM we welcomed special guests Paul Kane, Chairman Spain District North, and Billie Graham-Thomas, District Community Support Coordinator.
Summary of achievements in the past year:
- More visibility – better organised, known and front of mind. Increase in community group relations – Scouts, charities, etc.
- Excellent website and improved social media presence.
- 47 members by end of year 2024. (Currently 51) a 68% increase on 2023 despite 8% drop across SDN – Winning the Recruiting Kukri
- Increase in events both own and co-participating. ANZAC, BoB, NATO Family Day, School & Church Fairs
- Duke of Edinburgh candidate Alicia W joining the team as youth member and volunteer
- Card payment machine – helped us raise €470 in 5 events in a week – 10% of total Poppy Appeal 2024
- Poppy Appeal in 2024 raised €4608.72 – a 38% increase on 2023!
Spain District North Annual Conference
Tuesday 28th January 2025
On the 28th of January, our Chair and Vice Chair attended the RBL Spain District North (SDN) Annual Conference where we were presented with the Recruiting Kukri Award as the branch with the highest percentage of new members. This year, SDN raised a total of €105,330.50 thanks to the dedication of every branch in the district and the generosity of members and supporters. The Poppy Appeal in Madrid in 2024 raised €4608.72.
In other news, it was announced at the conference that the British Ambassador to Spain, Sir Alex Ellis has accepted a joint invitation from both districts in Spain to become our patron. We welcome his support and look forward to working with him in the coming years.

Museo Naval de Madrid
Sunday 26th January 2025
On the 26th of January we visited the Spanish Navy’s museum in Madrid (Museo Naval de Madrid). Accompanying us were several guests from the British Embassy, together with their families. As our group was large, we were split into two by language: those who preferred an English language guide and those who were happy with a Spanish language guide. The tour lasted over two hours and covered the history of Spain from the 14th century to the present day.
We are very grateful to Capitán de Fragata Sr.D. Enrique Esquivel Lalinde, deputy director of the museum, and to our guides Dª Asunción Sordo and D. Miguel Ángel Bazán García for a memorable visit.
After the visit, some of us moved on to a Sunday lunch at the James Joyce Irish Pub.
New Year Honours List 2025
Tuesday 31st December 2024
Congratulations go to our Membership Secretary Charles Wilson!
Charlie has been awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours List 2025 “for services to vulnerable British Nationals in Spain” as Treasurer of the British Benevolent Fund. We are proud to have him on our team!
Christmas Dinner!
Sunday 15th December 2024
We ended the year with a Christmas Roast at the James Joyce Pub on Sunday the 15th of December.
We had roast turkey or beef with all the trimmings, a vegetarian option, and Christmas pudding and apple crumble to top it off.
We are grateful to Matthew of The James Joyce who very kindly provided Christmas crackers, and we are also very grateful to Nobuko Crook for donating six bottles of wine which were raffled as a door prize.
The festivities lasted well into the evening!
St. George’s Church Christmas Fair
Saturday 14th December 2024
We were helped in our fundraising by Alicia W of the 1st British Scouts Madrid. Alicia will be assisting us with some of our events over the coming months as she works towards The Duke of Edinburgh Award.
King’s College Poppy Volunteer Committee
Friday 13th December 2024
Santiago Hancock, an Upper Sixth Form student from King’s College Soto de Viñuelas, whose grandfather served in the Second World War, took the initiative to create the Poppy Volunteer Committee. With the help of his friend Santiago Barbero and several classmates, they dedicated their mornings to giving talks in each classroom, educating other students about the significance of Remembrance and its values. In addition, they made personal sacrifices by forgoing their breaks to sell poppies, and organised a successful bake sale and football match on Armistice Day to raise additional funds for the Poppy Appeal.
We should all take great pride in seeing such a generation, filled with values of honesty, loyalty, compassion, and a genuine desire to help others. Many thanks to this amazing generation for all their hard work and devotion.
Second Pub Quiz
Monday 2nd December 2024
We were back at Paddy’s Irish Tavern to hold our second pub quiz this year. We had a good turnout with six competing teams. The ‘OMSK’ team defended their title gained in May and placed first yet again. The reinforced ‘BiMs’ team did much better than their first time and came third, only one point away from joint second. The final scores were:
- OMSK, 100 points
- The Latecomers, 91 pts
- BiMs, 90 pts
- Oddbods, 89 pts
- Five Guys, 76 pts
- ExQuiz Me, 49 pts
Can you beat these teams? Download the questions and answers at
Two points per correct answer and a joker is played on a topic of their choice which awards double points for a maximum of 140 points on a perfect quiz.
British Ladies Association Christmas Bazaar
Sunday 24th November 2024
The Christmas season is upon us. We were at the bazaar with other charities and folks were most generous.
Foro Fundación Hispano Británica
Monday 18th November 2024
Thank you to the Fundación Hispano Británica for inviting us to attend the ⅩⅩⅦ Foro Hispano Británico where we raised money for the Poppy Appeal and held a minute’s silence in remembrance to those who have lost their lives in conflict and to the victims of the cold drop storm in Valencia. It was an honour to meet HRH Infanta Margarita, Duchess of Soria.
Counting the Money
Sunday 17th November 2024
On Sunday the 17th, members of the Committee got together to count the proceeds from the 75 Poppy tins that were deployed in and around Madrid. We’ve had a very succesful campaign this year and have raised €4,608.72! We’re very grateful to all the schools, businesses, organisations and individuals who have supported the Poppy Appeal.
1st Madrid British Scouts
Saturday 16th November 2024
The 1st Madrid British Scouts invited us to come and speak about the work of the Royal British Legion. We were joined by a special guest from the Royal Air Force who talked about his work at NATO in Torrejón and the importance of remembrance. The scouts ran a cake sale raising over €176 for the Poppy Appeal.
Armistice Day Assembly at Runnymede College
Monday 11th November 2024
Mr Duncan Bailey, Head of Runnymede College Prep School, spoke to the entire school assembled for Remembrance, over 1,200 pupils and staff members:
Today, Runnymede College staff and pupils gathered together to honour a promise - a promise made over 100 years ago. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we pause to pay our respects to those who sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of peace and freedom.
As a school body, we came together as an act of remembrance: we remembered the moment in 1918 when the guns fell silent, marking the end of the First World War, as we also reflected on the countless other conflicts and sacrifices since then, made by brave men and women.
They trod of old the fields we tread,
They played the games we play.
The part of them which is not dead
Belongs to us today.
The Last Post was played by a visiting bugler before everyone observed two minutes silence. After The Rouse, two Senior pupils presented a wreath on behalf of the school to two committee members present from the Madrid branch of the Royal British Legion.
Armistice Day Service
Monday 11th November 2024
The service was attended by the Royal British Legion Madrid Branch, British Embassy staff, international and military guests including the defence attachés from the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia amongst others, the España Chapter of the NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution), and members of civic organisations.
After the service, the España Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution updated a monolith in memory of five USAAF servicemen killed in an aircraft accident in the Sierra de Gredos in 1947.
Our Chairman laid a wreath at a Commonwealth war grave, one of five situated in the site.
Lest We Forget
Remembrance Sunday 2024
Sunday 10th November 2024
The Remembrance Sunday Service was held at St. George’s Anglican Church. It was attended by HE Sir Alex Ellis, HM Ambassador to Spain, the defence attachés of various embassies, the 1st Madrid British Scouts, the 1st Majadahonda British Scouts, and the Madrid Branch of the Royal British Legion among many others.
The service ended with the reading of the Kohima Epitaph and the singing of the National Anthem.
Autumn Curry
Saturday 9th November 2024
Yet another very successful curry with a good turnout. RBL members, spouses and friends, including the Embassy's bugler for the Sunday Service and the Remembrance Day Commemoration. We signed up four new members during the evening.
English Breakfast at Cardo & Olivo
Sunday 27th October 2024
The branch organised an English breakfast at Cardo y Olivo. We were served baked beans, bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, white pudding, tomatoes, mushrooms and hash browns together with coffee and tea.
Jumble & Car Boot Sale
Saturday 26th October 2024
We took over €210 in Bizum branch donations at St. George’s Jumble & Car Boot Sale!
Runnymede College Assembly on Remembrance
Friday 25th October 2024
On Friday 25th October we were kindly invited by Mr Duncan Bailey, Head of Prep School, to speak to the pupils about Remembrance and the Royal British Legion. Over 100 students attended and, as it was the last day before half term, many were wearing Hallowe’en costumes.
Spain District North Poppy Appeal Launch 2024
Saturday 19th October 2024
Members from the Royal British Legion Madrid Branch took part in the Spain District North 2024 Poppy Appeal launch in Benidorm on October 19th. A parade along Levante beach promenade was led by the Torrevieja Pipes & Drums, RBL Standard Bearers and ended with a commemorative ceremony attended by RBL, British Embassy and Consular staff and serving military representatives.
New Poppy Tin in Madrid
Friday 18th October 2024
We are very happy to welcome Shimada Kemp Peluquero y Estilista MULTItextural stylist - Hair Salon into our network of venues that support the Poppy Appeal in Madrid. Their Poppy Tin is located at Calle Cardenal Cisneros 8, 28010 Madrid, near Metro Bilbao. See the complete list of locations..
Preparing for the Campaign
Sunday 29th September 2024
A number of Branch members worked throughout Sunday afternoon and evening preparing tins and boxes for the upcoming Poppy Appeal campaign.
NATO Families Day
Saturday 28th September 2024
We had an RBL Madrid team at the CAOC in Torrejón Air Base and €78.84 was raised for the Poppy Appeal.
Madrid Branch 1st Birthday Celebration
Thursday 19th September 2024
The Madrid Branch of the Royal British Legion marked its first anniversary with a memorable evening event at the British Embassy in Madrid on September 19th. The gathering brought together veterans, serving members of His Majesty’s armed forces, and the British and local community, all joining to reflect on the branch’s achievements and to look ahead to future milestones.
The event took place in the distinguished surroundings of the Embassy, a venue that underscored the significance of the occasion. Richard Lewington, Chairman of the Madrid Branch, expressed his gratitude to the British Ambassador and his team for their generous support in hosting the event. In his speech, he reflected on the branch’s progress over the past year, emphasising the dedication of everyone involved in building a community where veterans and their families can find support, solidarity, and friendship. Lewington also highlighted the personal connections many in the branch share with military service, reinforcing the importance of remembering and supporting those who have served.
Sarah Cowley, the Deputy Head of Mission, spoke about the Royal British Legion’s enduring presence in Spain and its vital role in supporting veterans and their families across the country. She encouraged the community to continue supporting the Legion’s work and to get involved in the efforts to help those who have served.
Throughout the evening, the spirit of camaraderie was palpable as guests took part in an awards presentation, honouring individuals and organisations that contributed to the 2023 Poppy Appeal. Runnymede College, 1st Madrid British Scouts, and Kings College Soto de Viñuelas were recognised for their exceptional fundraising efforts, while committee members and community volunteers were acknowledged for their dedication and hard work.
The Madrid Branch’s first anniversary marks not just a milestone, but a testament to the strength of the community it serves. The event also launched the 2024 Madrid Poppy Appeal, with hopes to surpass the previous year’s remarkable fundraising total.
Battle of Britain Dinner
Friday 13th September 2024
We attended a dinner organised by the RAF personnel at CAOC Torrejón to commemorate the 84th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
Branch Social Evening
Sunday 8th September 2024
After our monthly branch meetings we cross the street to Los Chanquetes for a few sociables.
Celebrating Armed Forces Day
Friday 28th June 2024
We had a very successful bake sale at NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre in Torrejón Air Base (CAOC TJ). Many interested parties came forward to learn more about the Legion and our presence in Madrid. We raised a combined total of over €106 between branch funds and poppy appeal.
Fish & Chips Night
Friday 21st June 2024
We had a very lively fish and chips dinner at a Greek/German(!) restaurant in one of the old markets in Madrid. It was attended by members of the Madrid Branch together with a number of guests. We even had a surprise birthday celebration!
Runnymede College Summer Fair
Saturday 15th June 2024
On the fifteenth of June we held a recruitment drive at Runnymede College during their Summer Fair. We are very grateful to Mrs Cristina Powell who organised the event.
D-Day Commemoration
Wednesday 5th June 2024
In the afternoon of June 5th, we commemorated the 80th anniversary of D‑Day with 1st Majadahonda British Scouts. We had talks from our veterans about the Normandy landings and their own military service, the work of the RBL in Spain, and we ended with a wreath laying ceremony.
Summer Fair and Bazaar
Saturday 1st June 2024
On the first day of June we held a recruitment drive at King’s College Soto de Viñuelas and on the same day we covered the St. George’s Church Summer Bazaar.
Pub Quiz
Monday 20th May 2024
We held our first pub quiz at Paddy’s Irish Tavern in Madrid. We are expanding the number of social activities organised by the branch and we had a good turnout for our first Monday quiz. We hope to hold many more.
Can you beat these teams? Download the questions and answers at
Two points per correct answer and a joker is played on a topic of their choice which awards double points for a maximum of 140 points on a perfect quiz.
Sundowners on the Bridge Wings
Friday 17th May 2024
We celebrated our first anniversary as a branch with a wonderful rooftop party hosted by Stephen McGlory, the British Defence Attaché in Madrid. The branch committee members attended together with members of the British Armed Forces in Madrid.
RBL National Conference
Thursday 9th May 2024
This weekend, our Branch Chairman Richard Lewington and Vice Chair Fátima Díaz Béjar represented the branch at the Royal British Legion’s annual conference in Newport, Wales. As a new branch, it was a wonderful opportunity for us to meet fellow delegates, network and learn about our common objectives and goals for the future.
Thursday 25th April 2024
Our branch chairman Richard Lewington laid a wreath at ANZAC commemorations at the Australian ambassador’s residence in Madrid which was hosted by both the Australian and New Zealand embassies and led by their respective ambassadors, Ms Sophia McIntyre and Ms Tara Morton.
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders “who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations” and “the contribution and suffering of all those who have served”.
Spring Curry Lunch
Saturday 23rd March 2024
We held a very successful Curry Lunch on the 23rd of March. We raised nearly €500 for our branch funds, mainly thanks to the many generous gifts for the raffle, and a €100 donation. Many of the prizes were British food items and treats, which are easy to get on the coast but hard to find in Madrid.
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 15th February 2024
We are delighted to celebrate our first anniversary as an official branch. This milestone marks a significant achievement in our journey, and we are grateful for the support and dedication of our members.
In addition to our anniversary, we recently conducted our first remembrance campaign. Despite facing some challenges as newcomers, we are proud to announce that we successfully raised over €3,300. This accomplishment would not have been possible without the generosity and support of our community.
Summary of our first year:
- We have four Caseworkers
- Three caseworker candidates awaiting a new training course
- We assisted two beneficiaries
- We helped repatriate a committee member

A visit to the PCMMT
Friday 9th February 2024
Members of the Madrid Branch visited the Parque y Centro de Mantenimiento de Material de Transmisiones (PCMMT) in El Pardo, just outside Madrid.
The PCMMT is the Spanish Army’s signals procurement and maintenance unit. We visited their interesting museum, the “Exposición Tecnológica de los Medios de Transmisión”.
Spain District North Annual Conference
Tuesday 23rd January 2024
We attended Spain District North Annual Conference in Jávea on Tuesday 23rd January. We received the Fallen Hero Award - Special award for “having done extremely well from a standing start in 2022”.
We are very grateful to Jávea Branch for hosting the event and also to DAR Community Centre for their hospitality.
Christmas Dinner 2023
Sunday 17th December 2023
A traditional Christmas dinner served at The James Joyce Irish Pub.
St. George’s Christmas Fair
Saturday 16th December 2023
The annual Christmas Fair was held at St. George’s Anglican Church in Madrid on Saturday December 16th. We were there raising funds and awareness.
Quite a number of people stopped by to ask about our activities, especially Spaniards who were often unaware of the work of the RBL. We even had a Viking Santa, or so it was claimed.
British Ladies Association Donate €500 to Madrid Branch
Sunday 26th November 2023
The British Ladies held their annual Christmas bazaar on the 26th of November and we were there to fly the flag.
We are extremely grateful to the British Ladies Association and their chairman Christine Hawkins for their generous donation of €500 to RBL Madrid.
Remembrance Sunday 2023
Sunday 12th November 2023
The Remembrance Sunday Service was held at St. George’s Anglican Church. It was attended by HE Hugh Elliott, HM Ambassador to Spain, the defence attachés of various embassies, the 1st Madrid British Scouts, the 1st Majadahonda British Scouts, and the Madrid Branch of the Royal British Legion among many others.
The service ended with the reading of the Kohima Epitaph and the singing of the National Anthem.
Armistice Day Lunch
Saturday 11th November 2023
After the Armistice Day Service at the British Cemetery the Branch members and guests had a curry lunch and raffle, ably organised by Gordon, our Events Secretary.
Armistice Day Service
Saturday 11th November 2023
The service was attended by the Royal British Legion Madrid Branch, British Embassy staff, international and military guests, the España Chapter of the NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution), and members of civic organisations.
After the service, the España Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution unveiled a monolith in memory of five USAAF servicemen killed in an aircraft accident in the Sierra de Gredos in 1947.
British Scouts
Sunday 5th November 2023
On November 5th we joined 1st Madrid British Scouts to talk about the history of the RBL, the significance of the poppy, remembrance and the work of the branch to the Cub, Scout and Explorer sections.
Memorial Service
Sunday 29th October 2023
A memorial service for WO2 John Newman, 2 QUEENS, was held at St George’s Anglican Church Madrid on Sunday 29th October at 11.30am.
Meet the British Armed Forces
Wednesday 18th October 2023
We hosted an evening with representatives of the three services. Joining us was Captain Stephen McGlory RN, Major Nigel Hunt RA, and Squadron Leader David Tucker RAF.
All three were interviewed on many aspects of military life by David Price. This was followed by a question and answer session and refreshments.
Spain District North Poppy Appeal Launch 2023
Saturday 14th October 2023
The Poppy Appeal 2023 was launched in Spain with a ceremony in Benidorm on Saturday 14th October.
The day started with a march in Playa de Levante led by the Torrevieja Pipes and Drums. Following the pipers, were Mayor of Benidorm Antonio Pérez, British Vice Consul in Alicante Sara Munsterhjelm, and the Defence Attaché to the British Embassy Captain Stephen McGlory RN.
It was a very special day for us as our branch standard, carried by our Standard Bearer Gordon Sands, was dedicated by Father Richard Seabrook. This marks the final stage of our inauguration as a new branch of the RBL.
Thanks also goes to our other Standard Bearer Andy Moffat who carried the Union Flag.
Full English Breakfast Fundraiser
Saturday 22nd July 2023
We hosted a fundraiser at the Camden Coffee Roasters, one of the very few places in Madrid where you can find a full breakfast. Sadly, the place closed the following month.
Recruitment Drive
Saturday 17th June 2023
During the month of June we held a recruitment drive at three different fairs and fêtes. The first was at King’s College Soto de Viñuelas on June 3rd.
On June 17th we attended the Runnymede College Summer Fair and on the same day we covered the St. George’s Church Summer Fête.
Coronation Street Party
Sunday 7th May 2023
The Royal British Legion Madrid branch’s first official event was the celebration of the coronation of King Charles Ⅲ and Queen Camilla.
We started the party toasting the King and Queen and then had a quiz on the British Monarchy.
There was a plethora of entertainment and we are very grateful to Janet & Alex Esclamado, The Madrid Players, Mad Improv, Matt Tyack, and Christian Bolorinos.
We raised a combined total of €907.10 for the Poppy Appeal and branch funds.
Royal British Legion Spain District North Inaugurates a New Branch in Madrid
Monday 28th November 2022
The Royal British Legion (TRBL) has welcomed the proposal to form its newest branch in Spain District North. The formation of the Madrid branch will become the first in the Spanish capital and the district’s fifteenth branch.
The inauguration for the formation of the Madrid branch took place at The Secret Kingdoms’ bookshop in Madrid and was led by Spain District North Chairman Jack Kemp and assisted by Spain District North Community Support Coordinator Pamela Twissell-Cross MBE, supported by Community of Madrid Assembly Member Deputy Elisa Vigil González and Captain Stephen McGlory RN, Defence Attaché to the British Embassy in Madrid who passed on the support and congratulations of His Majesty’s Ambassador to Spain and RBL Spain Patron Hugh Elliott. Veterans of His Majesty’s Armed Forces, serving members, and members of the public also attended the meeting.
The formation of the Madrid branch of TRBL will become a central point that will serve the needs of those veterans who have decided to stay more inland rather than move to the coast as well as tap into the opportunities that its position in the capital offers to raise funds for TRBL, Spain District North and the Poppy Appeal to support the Legion’s beneficiaries. “The formation of the Madrid branch has been a personal resolve for me to bring the same unity that TRBL provides around the world to those who live in this amazing city,” said Madrid Branch Chairman Richard Lewington. “‘Service not Self’ is the powerful motto of TRBL. Because what it means, is doing something that is at odds with what we might want or need. It is putting the good of community and nation above oneself, the belief that there is a goodness and a rightness in serving others rather than becoming self- indulgent; it is the ultimate case against cynicism. This branch of TRBL, when formed, will live up to this motto and honour its role as a centre for all those British service personnel who are in Madrid,” he added.
Captain Stephen McGlory RN, Defence Attaché to the British Embassy in Madrid said, “The baton needs to pass onto a new generation who have the responsibility to keep remembrance alive, and I am delighted to see that new generation – younger, with energy, with ideas here today. I congratulate Richard for all his work to take forward this idea to set this initiative in motion.” Richard will be supported by committee members Vice Chairlady Fátima Díaz Béjar, Treasurer Dominic McGrath (Veteran – Royal Signals), and Secretary David Price, owner of The Secret Kingdoms bookshop where monthly meetings will provisionally take place on the last Sunday of every month. Other committee roles are still to be filled.
The motion to form a new branch of TRBL in Madrid passed with zero votes against and no abstentions. The new branch now awaits its new branch number and authorisation from the legion membership council to form the full branch committee.
Read also the article in Sur in English (external page opens in a new window or tab)